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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Spanish Ideas Head North:

Unique House, Isabella’s Little Pink House:
A color wheel shows the principal hues divided into two major segments. The area made up of red, red-orange, orange and yellow-orange is said to consist of warm colors, while the area made up of yellow-green, green, blue-green, blue, and blue-violet is said to consist of cool colors. The so-called primary colors (when mixing pigments for paint, for example;) are red, yellow, anil blue, and all other colors can be created by mixing these together; when all three are mixed in proper proportions the remit is a deep gray approaching black. When mixing light itself, however, the three primary colors are different (reddish-blue, or magenta, yellow, and bluish-green, or cyan), and a mix of these three produces white light; this is the principle of color television.
We say a color, or chroma, is saturated when it cannot be made any stronger than it is, that a red or a blue cannot be made any redder or bluer. If gray is added to a color, darkening it, that is said to produce a shade. If white is added to a color, that produces a tint, commonly called a pastel…

more info about the house visit .

The perception of textures is dependent upon the quality of light falling on the building. These old houses are part of the historical part of Rio de Janeiro. Unfortunately, they are not well preserved, but renovation is set to start soon.

Hispanic architecture also captured the imagination of candy baron James H. Nunnally. During the early 1920s, Nunnally founded Morningside, Florida and populated the neighborhood with a romantic mix of Mediterranean Revival and Art Deco houses
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The stucco walls and cool, shaded interiors make Spanish Eclectic homes best suited for warmer climates. Nevertheless, scattered examples - some quite elaborate - can be found in chilly northern regions.
Manifesting in a variety of forms, Spanish Eclectic houses were built in nearly every part of the United States. Simplified versions of the style evolved for working-class budgets. During the 1930s, neighborhoods filled with one-story stucco houses with arches and other details that suggested a Spanish Colonial flavor.
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