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Friday, April 9, 2010

Architecture Design of Conversion Theatre 11 in Zurich by EM2N:

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EM2N was designed Conversion Theatre 11 located in Zurich, Switzerland. When starting to work on the competition it soon became evident that a “gentle” conversion was not possible within the financial and technical framework. Only a strategy dealing in a radical way with the existing building fabric could succeed. Demolishing the original Stadthof provided the chance of realizing a customized building.

A new spatial layer was placed around the laid open and enlarged stage and auditorium, which develops its height in a way that the highest point is reached at the corner of Thurgauer-/Wallisellenstrasse, thus proclaiming a confident urban attitude. This simple volumetric gesture mediates between the opposite Hallenstadion and the adjoining small-scale residential houses at Birnbaumstrasse.
The dynamics of the new building is counteracted by the presence of the heavy stage tower. A skin of perforated steel and aluminium sheeting covers the building “all over”, thus underlining the equality of roof and walls. With the exception of the few precisely composed “eye windows” and the glazed entrance area, the aluminium sheeting covers dozens of small windows. The theatre obtains two faces like the neighbouring Hallenstadion: at daytime it seems mysteriously secretive, while at night a glittering and festive atmosphere is created.

The inner organization reacts to the new urban gesture. The new entrance at the junction is visible from all directions. The restaurant was relocated from the unattractive location at Wallisellenstrasse to the more prominent side of Thurgauerstrasse, gaining a direct visual relation to the Tram stop and the Hallenstadion.

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